Saturday, 9 February 2013

Three Things

Thing One

At the end of January I had to fly solo for a game, as Richard and Yolanda were attending a close friend's birthday party.

Being a lone photographer for a team is nothing new to me. I was solo all last season with a different team, so I knew the crack and what to expect. I wouldn't be able to cover everything that happened in the game, I'd just have to hope I'd get lucky and the goals and other action would happen where I was.

I did forget that there is a certain pressure to being the only photographer. If you get it wrong, you can't fall back on the other members of the team. There's just you. You and what you have on your memory card. So I did worry my camera would through a wobbler and I'd end up with hardly anything, or nothing at all!

Luckily, I stood in the right places at the right time. Normally in the third I'm in the home end, but that game I went to the away end and was right to do so. Two fights happened. The first to drop the gloves was Andy, the second was Ondrej.

Another thing to come out of that game was the photo of Andy got printed in the M.E.N, which is my first published photograph (that I've seen for myself!).

Thing Two

I made my first trip to an away game at the beginning of the month, which didn't go unnoticed by one of the players who commented, "This is your first away game this season, what has taken you so long?"
It is a good point. The team I photographed for last year was 80+ miles away and sometimes I was there 3 times in a week, so I'm just done with long journeys. Done! But I made this one because it was the first leg of the semi-final of the Challenge Cup.

Thing Three

Last year, I wrote about the new team calendar and how it was a two part project.

Well, the second part of this project is on its way! I'm not sure when or what day it is due out, but I can tell you the second part is a recipe book.
I got sent the food ideas from the boys and researched them, and then did a bit of food photography. I'm not a natural when it comes to food photography but I gave it my best shot and I hope everyone likes it.

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