A couple of games ago, my photo buddy
Richard Allan wrangled us onto the ice pre-puck drop. We were going to photograph the guys charging onto the ice as their names were shouted out after the intro video.
The only problem I have with this is that my camera doesn't like low light and shooting through the smoke. My camera is slowly crapping out on me, like the last one which isn't fun. So, I decided to give another camera a whirl.
The other camera, which belongs to my dad, is a Lumix G3. It is a mirror-less DSLR, which I'm not really a fan of. The camera is too small and I don't like what I see through the view finder, but I'll pass that aside for the fact that it can shoot in low light just great! So along with that I was using a fixed focal lens of 45mm which stopped down to F/1.8.
Before we hit the ice, I gave it a try:
It seemed okay, but when they turned the lights out and the lad on the smoke machine got going....how good was it going to be? Well, there was only one way I was going to find out.
The lights went out, the music played and then the boy on the smoke machine got a bit trigger happy. It looks nice, don't get me wrong, but it is like photographing through fog. It is annoying during the first period, you end up with hardly anything!
ANYWAY.....back to shooting.
It was a bit hit and miss, as the boys move so fast when leaping out onto the ice and it is so dark...and you have the smoke to contend with. So with all these factors, your camera has a pretty mean job of focusing and shooting fast to get the images you want.
I missed a couple of the guys coming through the smoke out onto the ice because every now and then the camera struggled to focus, which is no worry as long as you get some of the other boys stepping out.
Some of the photos I had on the memory card were just the empty door, no players. There's a skill to it, you have to know your camera, what it does and how the settings you choose will affect the final image. Your basic settings, aperture, ISO and shutter speed are all interrelated. So how you set one will affect the others.
I am pleased with images I captured. The first of Luke Boothroyd being the best out of them all...I would like to try again without a fixed focal lens, so I could zoom in that little bit closer. However, I wouldn't be able to use my own camera due to the reasons stated above.
Although, having said that, these shots give me an idea for a photo shoot.
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